Friday, June 7, 2013

Hello Friends!

There is no way we are going to let this San Diego June Gloom get us down. We have two great features to share with you and you know how features get us all giddy! Our travel inspired wedding was featured here on Ruffled and it is worth the second look. Also, Brandi and Tim's Catalina engagements were recently on Inspired by This and they have us wanting to get all sun kissed. Mia and Scott's wedding is this weekend and the inspiration is here. It is going to be a gorgeous wedding!


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Remember our sweeter than sweet duo Mia and Scott? Their big celebration is only a couple days away and we our dotting our i's and crossing our t's. Above is our inspiration for this Lemdinger wedding! Imagine antiquated wedding bells in a ceremony structure of our own creation. A reception with a down home comfort feel, pops of all types of rifle flower inspiration, and more ringing bells to be heard! It's going to be a "Lemdinger"! And if you don't know what that means, you must see this!

If you are wanting more visit our pinterest board for this happy couple. All links are provided there!